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Company Name:
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Mobile Number:
Category:—Please choose an option—Owner/End-User/ Individual/ CustomerStructural EngineerContractorDeveloperPMCGovernmentIndustryCorporateInstitutionOthers
Services Interested In:—Please choose an option—Preventive StructureSafety Audit for StructureStructural Visual AuditsStructural Scan For Old Buildings And InfrastructureStructural Health MonitoringStructural Ratings
Type of Structure:—Please choose an option—BuildingBridgeLoad-Bearing StructureSteel StructureIrrigationWater/Sewage Treatment PlantOverhead TankRetaining WallOther
Age of Structure:—Please choose an option—Planning StageUnder Construction0-2 years2-5 years5-10 years10-15 years15-20 years20-25 years25-30 yearsabove 30 years
Location Description:
Test Required:—Please choose an option—RHT (Rebound Hammer Test)UPVC (Ultrasonic PluseVelocity Test)PT (Profometer Test)Corrosion and Carbonation TestIn-Situ Steel TestCombination of TestsOthersNot Sure
Number of Testing Points Required:—Please choose an option—Lessthan or Equal to 3030 - 100100 - 500500 - 20002000 - 50005000 - 1000010000 - 2500025000 - 50000Greaterthan or Equal to 50000Not Sure
Preferred Starting Date of Testing: